6.0 Learning aims, what you should already know, Introduction, delving deeper Learning aims What you should already know Delving deeper Introduction
6.1 Role and functional anatomy of the endometrium Introduction Functional anatomy of the endometrium Endometrial functions Cyclic hormonal alterations of the endometrium The menstruation phase The follicular or proliferative phase The luteinizing or secretory phase
6.2 Implantation stages Normal implantation zone Stages Adplantation of the blastocyst on the uterine mucosa Adhesion of the blastocyst to the endometrium Invasion of the trophoblast and embedding
6.3 Molecular aspects of implantation Introduction Signal exchange during preimplantation The blastocyst and the uterine epithelium Interactions between the blastocyst and endometrium (invasion of the trophoblast)