6.8 Referenzen

  1. Human Microscopic Anatomy, R.V. Krstic, Springer Verlag,1997, 412-13

  2. Human Microscopic Anatomy, R.V. Krstic, Springer Verlag,1997, 414-15

  3. Angiogenesis in the postovulatory primate endometrium: the coiled arteriolar system, Kaiserman-Abramof IR, Padykula HA, Anat Rec 1989 Aug;224(4):479-89

  4. Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, Bruce M. Carlson, Mosby, 1994, 45

  5. The 2 differentiation pathways of the human trophoblast, Evain-Brion D. , Gynecol Obstet Fertil 2001 Jul-Aug;29(7-8):497-502

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