7.6 Referenzen

  1. Localization of Cells of the Prospective Neural Plate, Heart and Somites within the Primitive Streak and Epiblast of Avian Embryos at Intermediate Primitive-Streak Stages. Lopez-Sanchez C, Garcia-Martinez V, Schoenwolf GC ; Cells Tissues Organs 2001 ;169(4):334-46

  2. Amphioxus goosecoid and the evolution of the head organizer and prechordal plate. Neidert AH, Panopoulou G, Langeland JA. ; Evol Dev 2000 Nov-Dec ;2(6):303-10

  3. Development of chick axial mesoderm: specification of prechordal mesoderm by anterior endoderm-derived TGFbeta family signalling. Vesque C, Ellis S, Lee A, Szabo M, Thomas P, Beddington R,
    Placzek M. ; Development 2000 Jul ;127(13):2795-809

  4. Embryologie Humaine, William J. Larsen, De Boeck Université, 1996, pp 37-40

  5. Genetic models of mammalian neural tube defects. Copp AJ, Ciba Found Symp. 1994 ; 181:118-134. Review

  6. An overview of epithelio-mesenchymal transformation. Hay ED. ; Acta Anat (Basel) 1995 ;154(1):8-20

  7. Epithelio-mesenchymal transformation during formation of the mesoderm in the mammalian embryo. Viebahn C. ; Acta Anat (Basel). 1995 ;154(1):79-97.

  8. Adhesion molecules in neural crest development. Newgreen DF, Tan SS. ; Pharmacol Ther. 1993 Dec ;60(3):517-37.

  9. Cadherins in neural crest cell development and transformation. Patrick Pla, Robert Moore, Olivier G. Morali, Sylvia Grille, Silvia Martinozzi, Véronique Delmas, Lionel Larue

  10. Fibronectin, integrins, and growth control. Erik H.J. Danen, Kenneth M. Yamada ; Published Online: 22 Aug 2001

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