The embryonic phase of lung development begins with the formation of a groove in the ventral lower pharynx, the sulcus laryngotrachealis (stage 10, ca. 28 days, 10 ). After a couple of days - from the lower part - a bud forms, the true lung primordium (stage 12, ca. 30 days, 12 ). In the further subdivision into the two main bronchi (stage 14, ca. 33 days, 14 ) the smaller bud on the left is directed more laterally than the somewhat larger one on the right that - parallel to the esophagus - is directed more caudally. Thus the asymmetry of the main bronchi, as they present in adults, is already established. The subsequent divisions of the endodermal branches also take place unequally in that on the right three further buds form and, on the left, only two, corresponding to the later pulmonary lobes. In the next division step, which occurs at the end of the embryonic period, the segments of the individual pulmonary lobes arise.