9.7 Quiz

Easy learning:

Test your knowledge with various questions to the individual chapters.
With the quiz you can review important details and possibly thereby detect gaps in what you think you know.
The "Associated theory" links lead directly to the corresponding pages of the theoretical sections, where you find the right answers.
We would like to point out, though, that the quiz does not replace a serious working through of the theory sections of this module ;-)


In order to take the quiz, you must have the Flash 6 plugin installed on your computer (see "Downloads" in the Help menu)

Quiz 01: Time of a spontaneous abortion Associated theory
Quiz 02: Noxa during pregnancy Associated theory
Quiz 03: Form development in the embryonic period Associated theory
Quiz 04: Appearance of the neck edema Associated theory
Quiz 05: Various temporal calculations of the pregnancy Associated theory
Quiz 06: Structures that arise in the fetal period Associated theory
Quiz 07: What an ultrasound examination can show Associated theory
Quiz 08: Symphysis-fundus distance during pregnancy Associated theory
Quiz 09: Swiss legal basis for terminating a pregnancy Associated theory
Quiz 10: Clues about placental insufficiency Associated theory
Quiz 11: Recognizing embryonic structures Associated theory

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