
Isolated vessel islands develop as the first embryonic vessels. They flow together to form plexuses, out of which forms the initially paired aorta (stage 9). The blood, which is pumped out of the cardiac ventricles into the embryonic circulatory system, gets into this pair of dorsal aorta (stages 9-10) via a paired system of aortic arches.
In the course of the development 6 aortic arches are engendered. Not all six, though, are present at the same time, a cranio-caudal gradient of development exists. Initially, the dorsal aortas are arranged as a pair (stage 10) but as the development proceeds, they fuse from the C7 level to the branching of the level to the branching of the umbilical arteries.

Aortic arches

The aortic arches are vessels that connect the cardiac saccus aorticus with the paired dorsal aorta by going around the pharynx. They develop one after the other in the pharyngeal arches. Between them the pharyngeal pouches are found that represent endodermal protrusions. When the aortic arches 3-6 have appeared (stage 14), the first two have already more or less disappeared.
It seems the neural crest cells, which migrate via the aortic arches to the heart, also have a large influence on the normal development of the aortic arches (compare separation of the outflow tract).

Fig. aortenbogen01 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen01

The cardiac conotruncus has been cut away. The aortic sac (dark green) and the two horns of the aortic sac (light green) remain. At this stage two aortic arches are present (orange = 1st aortic arch, ocher = 2nd aortic arch) that direct the blood from the outflow tract via the pharyngeal arches into the two dorsal aortas (red).

Fig. aortenbogen02 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen02

The 3rd aortic arch (violet) appears already one day later. The 1st aortic arch has already atrophied.

Fig. aortenbogen03 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen03

With the appearance of the 4th aortic arch (yellow) the 1st aortic arch has disappeared and the 2nd has also begun to atrophy. What remains is only the ventral attachments of the two horns of the aortic sac (light green) that will be involved in the perfusion of the head (internal and external carotid arteries).

Fig. aortenbogen04 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen04

The 2nd aortic arch has also now disappeared. One assumes that there is no 5th aortic arch. At the most, fine vessel sproutings are described in the literature that, though, do not form a real 5th aortic arch. They atrophy again very quickly.

Fig. aortenbogen05 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen05

In the further development new buddings of the dorsal aorta appear. On the left side (on the right in the diagram) it will later form the ductus arteriosus. Later, they will atrophy again on the right. On the other side, fine vessels bud from the aortic sac that surround the two pulmonary anlagen and later form the pulmonary artery on both sides. As a whole, they form the 6th aortic arch (light yellow) that is also designated the pulmonary arch.

Fig. aortenbogen06 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen06

The dorsal buddings from both dorsal aorta soon obtain an attachment to the ventral one. Now the true 6th aortic arch (light yellow) has been formed.

Fig. aortenbogen07 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen07

From the dorsal aorta a whole series of intersegmental arteries spread out and form anastomosis among one another, out of which the vertebral artery will arise. Here only the 6th intersegmental artery is shown. Later, the subclavian artery will arise out of it on the left and right because, due to various transformational processes (among others, the descent of the heart), these vessels are pushed upwards higher and higher until they reach the level of the 4th aortic arch.

Fig. aortenbogen08 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen08

In the upper region, various vessel segments atrophy, move or reform newly. The aorta dorsalis segment between the 3rd and 4th aortic arches atrophies on the left and the right. The connection to the dorsal aorta in the cranial region remains in place over the third aortic arch. The internal carotid artery will form itself from it. Newly a vessel buds out of the two horns of aortic sac, the external carotid artery (pink).

Fig. aortenbogen09 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen09

A further segment, the right dorsal portion of the 6th aortic arch or pulmonary arch atrophies. The left one remains, however, and is vital for the prenatal period because most of the blood from the pulmonary circulation system is shunted via this ductus arteriosus into the systemic one. The ventral portions of the 6th aortic arch remain on both sides and form the pulmonary arteries. The 6th intersegmental artery shifts further upwards on both sides.

Fig. aortenbogen10 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen10

The right dorsal portion of the 6th aortic arch (on the left in the diagram) has now wholly disappeared. In the upper part the common carotid artery (light green = horns of aortic sac) with the two descending branches, the internal carotid artery with parts from the 3rd aortic arch and dorsal aorta and external carotid artery are clearly visible as new vessels buds. One can also see that the outflow tract has divided completely into the truncus pulmonalis and the aorta. Responsible for this is the aorto-pulmonary septum that has formed in the outflow tract.

Fig. aortenbogen11 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen11

In the further development, further vessel segments atrophy. Here the right aorta dorsalis in the space between the 4th aortic arch and the fusion of the left and right aorta dorsalis is in the process of atrophying. This has a clear relationship with the movement of the heart to the left. The 6th intersegmental artery has reached the level of the 4th aortic arch on both sides.

Fig. aortenbogen12 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen12

The vessel segment of the right aorta dorsalis is obliterated. Only a small remnant (red) remains that forms the right subclavian artery with the 4th aortic arch (yellow) on the right and the 6th intersegmental artery (green).

Fig. aortenbogen13 - Aortic arch development

Aorta dorsalis
1st aortic arch
2nd aortic arch
3rd aortic arch
4th aortic arch
6th aortic arch
Horns of aortic sac
Aortic sac
6th intersegmental artery
External carotid artery
Internal carotid artery

Fig. aortenbogen13

At the end of the embryonic period the vessels of the arteries near the heart resemble those of the adult, with the exception of the ductus arteriosus. Normally, after birth, this will atrophy.
The truncus brachiocephalicus forms from the right horn of the aortic sac while the left common carotid artery forms from the left one.
The left subclavian artery has formed from the left 6th intersegmental artery.

This successive appearance of the aortic arches reflects the principle of morphologic adaptation of the vascular system to the various stages of embryonic development.

Fig. 28a - Connection of the aorto-pulmonary septum with the truncus septa

Fig. 28b - Connection of the aorto-pulmonary septum with the truncus septa

  1. Aorto-pulmonary septum
  2. Right aorto-pulmonary septum pedicle
  3. Left aorto-pulmonalry septum pedicle
  4. Upper truncus process
  5. Lower truncus process
  6. Truncus

Fig. 28a

The aorto-pulmonary septum grows upstream from material between pharyngeal arches IV and VI. It connects up with the two truncus processes. By clicking the relationships with the associated aortic arch arteries can be visualized.

Fig. 28b
  • The first 3 arches were adapted for supplying the cervical and cranial regions and, among other things, form the internal carotid artery (stage 11), which is responsible for the supplying the face and frontal parts of the brain. The external carotid artery (stage 14) arises somewhat later as an independent vessel.
  • With the asymmetric development of the heart and the division of the outflow tract, the 4th aortic arch also develops asymmetrically. The left 4th aortic arch remains as the arcus aortae of the adult while the right one forms the proximal part of the right subclavian artery.
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For the development of the ductus arteriosus the expression of Hoxb5 by the neural crest cells along the 6th aortic arch is probably determinant. The ductus arteriosus is a vessel of the muscular type. It is held open prenatally through the influence of prostaglandines that stem from the placenta, and through the relatively low partial pressure of the oxygen (pO2).

(compare adaptation at birth)

  • 6 aortic arches have always been spoken about. The last two, however, never appear in a prominent arch-shape like the first 4. The 5th aortic arch forms only a small capillary network and the 6th appears as a prominent capillary network with the early development of the trachea and lungs. It is also called the pulmonary arch. Only its left dorsal branching from the dorsal aorta forms a proper vessel, the ductus arteriosus. The ductus arteriosus via its connection with the left ventral branching of the saccus aortae and truncus pulmonalis, forms a shunt from the lung vessels to the dorsal aorta. In this way a too forceful perfusion of the still tender pulmonary capillaries by the blood from the right ventricle is avoided.
  • The left subclavian artery arises from the left intersegmental 6th artery in the region of the 6th -7th cervical segment. Through differing growth processes (compare descent of the heart), it appears as if the left subclavian artery arises directly from the aorta.
    In the literature differing opinions about the origin of the left subclavian artery can be found. Some authors describe it as a derivative of the 6th, other of the 7th intersegmenatl arteries.
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The detailed depiction of the aortic arch arteries is intended to show how the asymmetry of the vessels arise in the arcus aortae region.

Overview of the origin of the arteries that stem from the aortic arch arteries.