20.4 Lower urinary system

Development of the male and female urethra

The urethra forms itself from the lower part of the urogenital sinus (UGS).

  • In a man the prostate and membranous part of the urethra arise from the pelvic part of the UGS while the spongy urethra comes from the phallic part (urethral plate).

  • In a woman the whole urethra and part of the vagina arise from the pelvic part of the UGS while the phallic part (urethral plate) forms the vestibule and the labia minora.

More info

In the genital tract module you will learn more about the development and differentiation of the urogenital sinus in males and females.

Fig. 26 - Development of the urethra out of the cloaca

Septum urorectal

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