The bilaminar germ disk differentiates itself further into a trilaminar embryo, in that the cells flow in over the primitive streak between the two already existing germinal layers and so form the third embryonic germinal layer (mesoblast/derm). This phenomenon is also termed epithelio-mesenchymal transition (gastrulation in lower vertebrates) 6-7 . During this period the embryo experiences profound alterations. Afterwards, one speaks of the dorsally lying ectoblast/derm (and no longer of an epiblast/derm), from intermediate mesoblast/derm, as well as from ventrally lying endoblast/derm, which replaces the hypoblast. In order to have a better overview, the developments of the third week should be divided into several phases. One must keep in mind, though, that these do not always follow each other - they can just as easily take place concurrently.